Jan 6, 2013

Song: Fighter by Christina Aguilera

Makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder

Makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter

Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
Makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter
        The above is part of lyrics from “Fighter”.


    Have you ever been hurt severely or been through the sufferings? And if the answer is yes, how did you deal with those stuffs such as the emotion, action, etc. at that time? Sometimes, we heard lots of people would have resentment, despise and curse the person who had given them the bad experience or the backstabbing something like that; some people would even be knocked down by the torture. However, some people would have the positive thoughts and translate the things they suffered to energy, just like the lyrics mention, maybe those miseries could make you learn more and let you be much stronger.

    The song talks about the relationship of broken love in which the man hurt the girl, who wanted to say thank you to the man in the end. Actually, this song is inspiring not only when we meet the awful lover, but also when we have the setbacks in our life. It let me think of a singer who was saying something impressive while she got award, she said: “I want to thank the people who have ever looked down on me for getting me be tougher and getting me work harder so that I could nail it.”

    I think all the things that fate put us through were meaningful, we might check everything from the different point of views, take the bad things as a challenge, and not just look on the down side, then, maybe we’ll find we are growing and being mature.

Vocabulary/Phrase in the lyrics

1. Despise: to dislike very much
2. put (something/someone) through(something)  cause something/someone to experience something
3. in flames: was burning
4. call someone’s bluff: if someone calls your bluff, it means he/she tells you to do something you have threatened to do, because he/she doesn’t believe you’ll do
5. resentment: kind of a feeling of anger or displeasure about someone or something unfair
6. backstabbing: harmful or unfair things that are said or done to hurt someone’s reputation
7. to blame: responsible for something bad
8. torture: something bad experience that cause mental or physical suffering
9. disguise: to change the appearance, sound, taste etc. so that people could not recognize that person or thing
10. in denial:  people will not admit the act, something sad etc. is true

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